Can MyPDCU Credit Score & Report help improve my credit score?
Your browser does not support the video tag. Create your credit score goal by selecting your desired credit score and the timeframe in which you want to achieve that your goal. Receive personalized recommendations and track your...
Continue ReadingCan People Driven Credit Union Members Access MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator on Mobile Devices?
Yes, MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator and all other features are available on mobile and tablet devices. They are integrated within People Driven Credit Union's mobile banking...
Continue ReadingAre Members Able to Choose Which Emails They Receive from People Driven Credit Union?
Yes, Members can easily choose when People Driven Credit Union contacts them. Navigate to the “Resources” tab, and then under “Profile Settings,” members can choose which email notifications they receive. MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator...
Continue ReadingDoes MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator Offer Credit Report Monitoring?
Yes. Alerts are provided via the MyPDCU app, digital banking, and email. The user can update their email preferences for emails by navigating to “Resources” and the “Profile Settings” section. MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator will...
Continue ReadingWill Accessing MyPDCU Credit Score Impact My Credit and Potentially Lower My Credit Score?
No. Checking your MyPDCU Credit Score is always a “soft inquiry,” which does not affect credit scores. Typically, ‘Hard inquiries’ are used by lenders to make decisions about their creditworthiness when Members apply for loans. Multiple hard...
Continue ReadingWhat if I Have No Credit History or Poor Credit and Don’t Qualify for Any Products?
Suppose a People Driven Credit Union member has no credit history and/or a low credit score. In that case, they will be shown educational articles or products that cater to those credit score profiles (if...
Continue ReadingWhy am I Shown Offers and Educational Articles?
The MyPDCU App features a section with product offers and financial education articles. Based on their MyPDCU credit score information, Members may receive PDCU prequalified offers (invitation to apply) on products that may interest them. Sometimes,...
Continue ReadingWhat if the Information Provided by MyPDCU Credit Score Appears to be Wrong or Inaccurate?
The MyPDCU Credit Score is not intended to be comprehensive and may not provide all information about user accounts. We encourage Members to obtain free credit reports from to look for incorrect information or discrepancies...
Continue ReadingHow Does People Driven Credit Union Keep Members’ Financial Information Secure?
People Driven Credit Union has implemented bank-level encryption and security policies to keep our users' data safe and secure. People Driven Credit Union also has a sophisticated system that scans for and thwarts online bots, intrusions, and attacks....
Continue ReadingWill People Driven Credit Union Use the MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator to Make Loan Decisions?
No, People Driven Credit Union uses our own lending criteria when making final loan decisions and has no access to MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator. However, through MyPDCU Analytics, we can see what Members view and engage...
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